Logritha Technologies

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

1. Services(Web/App)

Logritha Technologies always makes every effort to eliminate any reported defects in the shortest time possible. In almost all cases we are able to quickly and efficiently solve all the problems associated with our services(Web/App) s and/or your environment.

30-Day Guarantee

Bearing in mind your highest comfort and satisfaction of our customers, we allow a single, unconditional and completely free switch of each services(Web/App) with the annual license during the first 30 days from the moment of its purchase. The obtained services(Web/App) license can be switched on your request to one or more services(Web/App) licenses from our offer retaining differences in price, remaining the license validity period and excluding refunds. Each subsequent license switch on demand requires an additional payment amounting to 25% of the target services(Web/App) 's cost plus the possible difference in price between both.


Since Logritha Technologies offers non-tangible and non-returnable goods, we do not issue refunds once the order is finalized and the services (Web/App) is activated. The only exception is when customer requests the refund within 14 days from the moment of purchase and the services (Web/App) itself has been neither downloaded nor used by the customer. As a customer, you are responsible for understanding this upon purchasing any item on our website.
The purchase of a services (Web/App) implies acceptance of all its features and limitations. Refunds on the grounds of customer's belief that the services (Web/App) does not meet their expectations will not be issued.
Open source services (Web/App) s shall not be reimbursable or exchanged. Please consider your purchase carefully.

2. Custom Software Development

If you conclude that our custom software development services do not meet your expectations, you are able to get a full or partial refund depending on the development progress status before the project is finished:

100% refund when the development has not started yet
50% refund when the development has been started, but is finished in 50% or less of total development
25% refund when the development has been started, but is finished in 75% or less of total development